Below we provide a description of the predefined functions that can be used in the formulas.
Table: Functions, which can be used in formulas
SQR | Square For example, SQR(4) returns the value 16. |
SIN | Sine in radians For example, SIN(1.571) returns the value 1. |
COS | Cosine, see also SIN |
TAN | Tangent, see also SIN |
SINH | Hyperbolic sine, see also SIN |
COSH | Hyperbolic cosine, see also SIN |
ATAN | Arctangent, see also SIN |
COTAN | Cotangent, see also SIN |
EXP | Exponential function For example, EXP(1) returns the value 2.718. |
LN | Natural logarithm For example, LN(4) returns the value 1.386. |
LOG | Decadic logarithm For example, LOG(10) returns the value 1. |
SQRT | Square root For example, SQRT(4) returns the value 2. |
ABS | Absolute value For example, ABS(-4) returns the value 4. |
SIGN | Sign, returns -1 for negative, 1 for positive and 0 for 0 For example, SIGN (-4) returns the value -1. |
TRUNC | Integer part For example, TRUNC(-3.7) returns the value -3. |
CEIL | Round up to the next higher integer For example, CEIL(-3.7) returns the value -3. |
FLOOR | Round down to the next lower integer For example, FLOOR(-3.7) returns the value -4. |
RND | Integer random number The upper limit of the random number should be specified as an argument. |
RANDOM | Random number with decimal places The lower limit of the random number should be specified as an argument. |
MIN | Minimum value For example, MIN(2, 3) returns the value 2. |
MAX | Maximum value For example, MAX(2, 3) returns the value 3. |
IF | If (condition, return value for condition complied with, return value for condition non complied with). If the condition is complied with, the first return value will be returned as a result, otherwise the second. Operations too may be used as a return value; depending on the condition, only the appropriate return value will be evaluated. Several IF functions may be nested in one another. For example, IF(1>2, 3, 4) returns the value 4. |
SUM | Sum of any number of arguments. For example, SUM(1, 2, 3) returns the value 6. |
MATCHFLOW (\(T_{i}\), \(Q\), \(T_{a}\), \(C_{p}\), \({\dot{V}}_{\min}\), \({\dot{V}}_{\max}\)) | Regulation of a flow-rate in l/to the desired temperature MATCHFLOW( \(T_{i}\) Inlet temperature in °C, for example to the collector, \(Q\) Power in W, for example power of the collector, \(T_{a}\) Outlet temperature in °C, for example the desired target temperature, \(C_{p}\) Heat capacity in J/(l*K), for example, the heat capacity of the fluid, \({\dot{V}}_{\min}\) min. flow-rate in l/h, for example the lower limit of the pump, \({\dot{V}}_{\max}\) max. flow-rate in l/h, for example the upper limit of the pump) \(\dot{V} = \dot{\frac{Q}{C_{p}*\left( T_{a} – T_{i} \right)}}*3600\) |
MATCHPOWER (\(T_{i}\), \(\dot{V}\), \(T_{a}\), \(C_{p}\), \({\dot{Q}}_{\min}\), \({\dot{Q}}_{\max}\)) | Regulation of a flow-rate in W to the desired temperature MATCHPOWER( \(T_{i}\) Inlet temperature in °C, for example to the boiler \(\dot{V}\) Flow-rate in l/h, for example, flow-rate of the boiler pump, \(T_{a}\) Outlet temperature in °C, for example the desired target temperature, \(C_{p}\) Heat capacity in J/(l*K), for example, the heat capacity of the fluid, \({\dot{Q}}_{\min}\) min. power in W, for example the lower limit of the boiler pump, \({\dot{Q}}_{\max}\) max. power in W, for example, the upper limit of the boiler pump) \(\dot{Q} = \left( T_{a} – T_{i} \right)*C_{p}*\dot{V}/3600\) If Qmin / Qmax 0 the values will not be taken into account; otherwise, the result Q will be restricted to these minimum/maximum values before being returned. |
MATCHRATE (\(T_{u}\), \(T_{l}\), \(T_{o}\)) | Regulation of a mixing ratio to the desired temperature MATCHRATE( \(T_{u}\) Upper level temperature in °C, for example hot water inlet to mixing valve, \(T_{l}\) Lower level temperature in °C, for example cold water inlet to mixing valve, \(T_{o}\) Outlet temperature in °C, for example the desired target temperature) \(p = \frac{T_{u} – T_{o}}{T_{u} – T_{l}}\) |
MEANVALUE (\(a\), \(b\)) | Arithmetic mean value of two values MEANVALUE ( \(a\) value 1, for example a temperature value from the latest time step \(b\) value 2, for example a temperature value from the current time step) \(m = \frac{a + b}{2}\) |
HEATINGCURVE(Tsoll, Ta_norm, a, Ta) | Regulation of temperature based on the heating curve (function HEATINGCURVE) The function adopts 4 parameters: Tsoll: nominal inlet temperature heating elements (= max VL in the chart) [°C] Ta_norm: design outdoor temperature (for the Tsoll gilt (= -14°C in the chart)[°C] a: heating curve gradient Ta: current outdoor temperature [°C] The point (= 20°C in the chart) where the curve meets the x-axis is determined from the remaining parameters. |
PVPROG (\(t,\ P_{pv}, \ P_{ld},\ p_{gfl},\ P_{gsl},\), \(t_{fpast}, \ t_{fhor}, \ \mathrm{\Delta}t_{freq}, \ \mathrm{\Delta}t_{f})\)) | Forecast-based battery control with measurement-based PV- and consumption forecasts. PVPROG (\(t\ \) current simulation time in s, \(P_{pv}\) PV production AC (before curtailment) in W, \(P_{ld}\) electricity consumption in W, \(p_{gfl}\) Feed-in limit normalised to the installed nominal PV capacity (0 to deactivate dynamic feed-in limitation through the battery), \(P_{gsl}\ \) grid supply limit for the electricity consumption in W (0 to deactivate grid supply limitation), \(t_{fpast}\ \) time frame in h in which the weather situation is incorporated into the PV forecasts, \(t_{fhor}\ \) forecast horizon of the PV and load forecasts in h, \(\mathrm{\Delta}t_{freq}\ \) freqency of the forecast updates in min [1 (recommended) or 15 (for a faster simulation but with a slightly reduced control accuracy and therefore with decreased system performance] – The recommended value is used without warning for unexpected inputs, \(\mathrm{\Delta}t_{f}\ \) temporal resolution of the PV- and load forecasts [1 or 15 (recommended)] – The recommended value is used without warning for unexpected inputs) |