A project includes all data required for a simulation. A project can be created, for example, for a house for which the user defines a location and the relevant consumer values creating, however, multiple system diagrams.
For further information check chapter Wizard.
New Project
First step towards the creation of a project with no assistance from the Wizard. Name project and confirm with OK.
This command can be selected either from the Project menu or right-clicking the name of an existing project. In the latter case the existing project will be closed. If the project has not yet been saved Polysun will prompt the user to save the existing project.
Open Project
This command allows the user to open Polysun projects in *.pse format.
This command can be selected either from the Project menu or right-clicking the name of a running project. In the latter case the running project will be closed. If the project has not yet been saved Polysun will prompt the user to save the running project.
The software does not allow two projects to be opened at the same time. However the user will be able to run two different Polysun installations in parallel on the same PC by naming the relevant installation directories with different names. In this way the user will be able to work on two projects at the same time.
Close Project
This command can be selected either from the Project menu or right-clicking on the project’s name.
Before unsaved Polysun projects are closed Polysun prompts the user to save the project.
Save Project/Save Project as
This command can be selected either from the Project menu or right-clicking on the project’s name.
This command allows the user to save Polysun projects as *.pse file.
Rename Project
This command can be selected either from the Project menu or right-clicking on the project’s name.
Rename project and confirm with OK.
Load Photograph of Property
Here the user can upload an external photograph available in *.jpg, *gif or *.png format. The picture will then appear in the Project overview and in the PDF-Reports.
The selected page will be shown as a PDF file.
This command allows the user to close Polysun.